1 USD is 1 Point.
Shipping and handling charge is not including to Points.
(For exsample, a buyer who purchased 150 USD can get item A and B[149.8 Points])

Bonus item is free, but it may need additional postage.

Some items may be out of stock.

Condition of items are not perfect or mint.
You can't carry points to next purchase.
You can't choose same item.
You can't choose item you alrady have.

I can change pint of items anytime.
Please check the latest point before your bid.
Last update:29th/June/2012

These are Stickers.

[299.50 Points]

[199.50 Points]

[199.50 Points]

[149.50 Points]

[149.50 Points]

[149.50 Points]

[149.50 Points]

[149.50 Points]

[149.50 Points]

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